“And death shall have no dominion,” wrote the poet Dylan Thomas on the notion of immortality. While the idea of
Category: Medical Studies
CPAP Eases Daytime Hypertension Even When Drugs Don’t
The most anyone really hears about blood pressure is when their grandmother remarks that anything mildly frustrating, like the Internet
Snoring While Pregnant May Lead to Complications – CPAP Treatment Can Help
If maternal snoring sounds like the least sexy thing you can imagine – it is, because a new study shows that
CPAP Study: CPAP Exposure Therapy Improves Compliance
Exposure therapy was developed right around the end of World War II, which was a perfect time, because millions of
CPAP Study: CPAP Reduces Nightmares in Veterans
In World War I – the war to end all wars – soldiers exhibited a psychological response that few doctors
Study: Sleep Apnea Linked With Increased Glaucoma Risk
They say that the eyes are the window to a person’s soul, but as it turns out, the eyes are
Sleep Apnea Study Uncovers More Hidden Dangers in Women
Who knows if any gender will win the elusive trophy for the never ending battle of the sexes. For the
CPAP Study: Can CPAP Therapy Save Your Marriage?
Most marriage vows promise that a loving couple be together in sickness, in health, and through that miserable vacation in
Sleep Apnea May Predict Skin Cancer Risk
If sleep apnea were a character in a spaghetti western, it would be that guy, cloaked in all black that
Sleep Apnea Risk for Pregnant Women With Gestational Diabetes
As most women that have been through pregnancy can tell you – all three trimesters can be a hellish experience.