You can probably think of a few famous medical masks that you’ve seen on either the silver screen or maybe
Author: easyadmin
Gary Kubiak Blames Sleep Apnea For Why Texans Gave Him The Boot
With one look at Gary Kubiak, it is immediately evident that this is a man who desperately needs a vacation.
The Link Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
In the cartoons, if someone slams you on the head with a frying pan, all you’ll get is a few
CPAP Study: CPAP Treatment Can Increase Lifespan
“And death shall have no dominion,” wrote the poet Dylan Thomas on the notion of immortality. While the idea of
Top 10 Professional Athletes With Sleep Apnea
I know what you’re thinking, how can this be? He has what? Who? Lets face it you’re not alone. Sure,
CPAP Eases Daytime Hypertension Even When Drugs Don’t
The most anyone really hears about blood pressure is when their grandmother remarks that anything mildly frustrating, like the Internet
Snoring While Pregnant May Lead to Complications – CPAP Treatment Can Help
If maternal snoring sounds like the least sexy thing you can imagine – it is, because a new study shows that
CPAP Study: CPAP Exposure Therapy Improves Compliance
Exposure therapy was developed right around the end of World War II, which was a perfect time, because millions of
CPAP Study: CPAP Reduces Nightmares in Veterans
In World War I – the war to end all wars – soldiers exhibited a psychological response that few doctors
Study: Sleep Apnea Linked With Increased Glaucoma Risk
They say that the eyes are the window to a person’s soul, but as it turns out, the eyes are