It’s that time of the year again folks. You can feel the wave of excitement as the big day gets closer – a day so holy to Americans that most churches cancel afternoon and evening mass. This year, it’s the Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots that will battle it out. Here are a few Super Bowl traditions that will require your commitment to CPAP treatment. What do football and CPAP have to do with each other you might ask? Well, CPAP is a game changer. Just ask Percy Harvin and Red Bryant of the 2014 Super Bowl Champion Seattle Seahawks. Let’s see how you can get your CPAP on this Sunday!
Roman Numerals
What Super Bowl is it again? Hard to tell. While the NFL typically tries to stay on the cutting edge, they keep the ancient Roman numerals. The tradition began with Super Bowl V and we’ve been counting like the Romans ever since. Next year, however, they are switching to Arabic numerals. So we’ll have Super Bowl 50 instead of Super Bowl L. Solid choice NFL. Not even ResMed CPAPs have Roman numerals anymore. The Elite II and the VPAP III are now extinct. Is your CPAP a thing of the past?
Don’t Miss A Second of the Pregame Excitement
Even though the real game doesn’t start until the afternoon – you still have an entire day of celebrating to do. If you are a die-hard Super Bowl fanatic, the celebration usually starts with the pregame telecast, which means that you have to get up early and prepare. Typically, the pregame telecast consists of crazy pyrotechnic antics, fighter jets, celebs, sportscaster banter and a whole host of other fun, so you don’t want to be stuck in the kitchen or running around town picking up loose ends. This is why sticking to CPAP is so important. Sleep apnea can cause daytime sleepiness, which may make it difficult to get up in the morning – this is something you definitely don’t want on Super Bowl Sunday.
Coin Toss
The coin toss is one of the most wagered events of the year, which I can’t make heads or tails of (see what I did there). Who knew 50/50 odds could be so exciting? Place your bet, load up your plate and stake out your spot on the couch because this tradition means it’s game time!
While betting on the game is fun, don’t gamble on your health. CPAP is still the #1 treatment for sleep apnea.
A few different studies have shown that 50% of people tune into the Super Bowl just to watch the ads. This is why a 30 second commercial costs about $4 million dollars. You’ll see ads for Coca-Cola, Doritos, BMW, Weight Watchers and TurboTax among others. Which ones will you be talking about Monday morning? Easy Breathe won’t be advertising in the Super Bowl this year. We are going to save our money and pass that savings onto you. Check out our great machines at great prices. Maybe we’ll see you next year during a commercial break.
Food, Glorious, Food
Speaking of food, Super Bowl Sunday and copious amounts of food go together like peas and carrots, but there is a good chance that there won’t actually be peas and carrots anywhere in sight. No, no – there is a good chance that your barbecue will be roaring with meat – there will also be bowls of chips and dip everywhere, along with endless beer. In fact, 325.5 million gallons of beer will be consumed on Super Bowl Sunday. If you are the kind of person that likes to host a rager, you’ll want your guests to go home feeling stuffed. When it comes down to it, though, sleep apnea can wreak havoc on your heart – combine all that greasy food and you could have a recipe for a myocardial infarction. This is why you want to stick to CPAP treatment. Have fun during the day but just make sure to use your CPAP when you finally hit the hay.
The Half Time Celebration
Of course, there is also the halftime show. The age-old tradition where the hottest band or musician shows up wearing a barely anything – all while pyrotechnics distract you from the fact that the artist is probably lip-syncing. This year, it will be Katy Perry on the stage. The halftime show is enough to dull your brain, so you don’t want to make it worse by not complying with CPAP treatment. Sleep apnea already causes weaker blood flow to the brain, so you don’t want to exacerbate the issue. Obviously, Super Bowl Sunday is not exactly the day to use your brain, but when you head back to work the next day, you are going to need every brain cell you’ve got. Unless you are one of the estimated 14 million that will call in sick to work on Monday.
MVP Wins Trip to Disney World
You know the drill. Someone asks the MVP, “What are you going to do now?” Say it with me folks, “I’m going to Disney World!” You might think a Super Bowl MVP might have better things to do to kick of the off season, but you’d be wrong. If you decide to make like an MVP, and take a trip after Super Bowl Sunday make sure you bring your travel CPAP with you.