Bringing up any annoyance, concern or worry to your spouse can be like lighting a fuse. Don’t you dare bring up that mess in the glove compartment or the fact that he or she opens an entirely new carton of milk when there is already an open carton in the fridge! But when it comes to your partner’s health, you can’t utter insults under your breath, turn the other cheek and wish your life was different – you need to do something about it. You need to say something. This is especially the case when it comes to sleep apnea. Your partner’s life could be at danger. If your partner is stubborn or reluctant to the idea of CPAP, you need to get creative. Here are some ways to sell your partner on the idea of CPAP therapy.
1. Make It Attractive
Of course, one of the best ways to sell your partner on the idea of CPAP therapy is to make it attractive – just the think of the way that beer companies sell beer. You may be thinking: “CPAP, attractive? – Really?” But it’s true, there are a lot of studies that point to fact that CPAP can actually make you better in bed. There are also studies proving that untreated sleep apnea can make you bad in bed. The science is pretty simple: when your body is starved of oxygen, it can make it more difficult to perform or get an erection. This is where CPAP comes in to save the day. In one study, it was reported that with regular CPAP therapy, 41% of men said their erectile dysfunction had completely disappeared. Talk about a miracle cure!
2. Offer Positive Awards
Some people have trouble doing anything unless there is some kind of exchange or return on investment. If you help someone move, you would probably expect that person to help you move, or at least take you out to dinner. Well, when it comes to CPAP therapy, your partner may expect more than a dinner. For the sake of your spouse’s life, you may want to go that extra mile. For instance, you may want to agree to be a personal dishwasher or chef for a whole week – or you can promise a weekend out of town. Just get creative – if your partner is particularly stubborn, it may take a little extra legwork, but it will all be worth it.
3. Show Your Spouse What Their Sleep Apnea Really Looks Like
One very effective way to sell your spouse on the idea of CPAP is to literally show him or her a video of what it looks like when they are tossing, turning and choking for air at night. You could call this the “scared straight” method. In one study, researchers concluded that showing a person disturbing video of sleep apnea’s effects greatly improved CPAP compliance. A lot of people have an out-of-sight-out-of-mind stance on sleep apnea, because they are asleep during the worst of it. When they see the real, shocking reality of what the sleep disorder is doing, they start thinking about getting treatment.
4. Purchase A Home Sleep Test
There is a good chance that your spouse doesn’t want to deal with CPAP because of all the legwork that is involved in going to a sleep lab, getting tested and then going to a doctor and getting a prescription and then visiting a medical equipment center to pick out an overpriced CPAP system. It’s all too much. However, it may sound like a lot of work, but with the Home Sleep Test, your will barely have to do any legwork. Instead of going to a sleep lab, he or she can get tested in the comfort their own bed and home. Also, you can get you prescription through the Easy Breathe’s prescription program. With the prescription program, you can order any CPAP that you want after a short screen process. When it comes down to it, Easy Breathe puts the ‘easy’ in getting CPAP therapy.
5. Discuss With Your Spouse Some Other CPAP Benefits
Of course, there are countless medical benefits of receiving CPAP therapy to conquer the symptoms of sleep apnea, but there are also lifestyle benefits as well. It will reduce your chances of stroke, heart attack and diabetes, but it will also have other benefits, like making you a better driver and better at golf. Yes, you heard that right, golf. Not only that, but it can also reverse brain damage and increase your lifespan. Lay all these benefits out on the table and your partner will be sold.