Looking For A New CPAP? Here Are the Top 4 CPAPs On the Market


When it comes time to purchase a new CPAP machine, where can you turn to for advice and suggestions? Who can you trust? You could sift and scour through all of the online chatter and commentary, but much like mining for gold, you may only get a few flakes. Here are four of the  top performing CPAPs on the market – with one of these babies on your nightstand, you just can’t go wrong.

Want a personalized recommendation first? Try our Machine Finder Quiz and we’ll give you the perfect machine in six questions!

Click below to learn more about each machine:



Not sure which machine is right for you? Try our Machine Finder Quiz and we’ll tell you in six questions!

One of these machines could be yours for $0! Allow us to check with your insurance provider for you to find out what is covered (for free!). Click below to get started: