Did you know Easy Breathe offers a prescription renewal service? Just fill out a questionnaire and one of our licensed physicians will review it and write you a prescription. No need to visit the doctor’s office. Everything is taken care of online. We keep the prescription on file for 8 years, so all your future orders are hassle free.
Call 866-564-2252 to order or follow these steps to order online.
1. Add your favorite CPAP machine and/or mask to your cart.
2. If you are buying a machine use the coupon code CPAPRXSAVE and get the Prescription Package for free.
If you are buying just a mask, use the coupon code CPAPRX50 to save $50 on the Prescription Package (normally $99).
3. Fill out the questionnaire that is emailed to you.
4. You’re all set! We’ll take care of the rest. Once one of our licensed physicians reviews your questionnaire and writes a prescription, your order will ship immediately.