Take advantage of this one of a kind offer, when you replace your old CPAP with a new model. Add your new CPAP and the SoClean 2 to your cart and enter the coupon code: SOCLEAN150 to redeem this offer.*
The SoClean 2 saves you time and makes your CPAP safer. Even bi-monthly cleanings are a chore. However, mold and bacteria can accumulate in your CPAP supplies so cleaning is a must. Save yourself the trouble with the SoClean 2. Hook up the SoClean 2 to your CPAP and just drop your mask in still connected to the tube and close the lid. Your CPAP will be sanitized by the time you are ready for bed. No liguid, washing or drying. The SoClean 2 cleans with ozone which both safe and effective and has been used in medical settings for years. Others CPAP users love the SoClean, so you don’t have to take our word for it.
“I have been using the SoClean 2 and find it to be a marvelous compliment to my CPAP unit. It truly makes the cleaning process easy and uncomplicated. Rarely is anything “as simple as 1-2-3″, but this is the exception. Plug it in, (if necessary) fit your adapter, drop your mask and headgear in the unit, turn it on and go watch TV until it finishes the sanitizing process…So my recommendation is that every CPAP user should definitely invest in the SoClean. It’s worth every penny!” – RJC
“I have had my So Clean 2 for about 3 months now and I am very happy I invested the money for it. The clean sweet smell when I put my CPAP mask on is nice, The ease of keep everything clean is great and best of all I feel better … less sniffles, headaches and colds. I have recommended this to a friend and my brother-in-law and they love.” – BM
“Best thing I have ever bought for my CPAP machine! And the people here stand behind their product. They are the best!” – SA
“I am very pleased with the SoClean. It couldn’t be more simple to use. It is far better than washing the CPAP equipment on a continual basis. I have no regrets about choosing to turn my CPAP cleaning issues over to the SoClean solution.” – DLT
You don’t just have the SoClean 2 to look forward to. These new CPAPs are amazing! They are improvements over the old models across the board. Smaller, lighter, quieter and much more comfortable.
3 Reasons to Replace Your Old CPAP
1. Auto Titrating CPAPs are the new gold standard – They adjust your pressure on a breath by breath basis so you stay comfortable while getting the best treatment possible.
2. New CPAPs are whisper quiet – Do your significant other a favor and say goodbye to your old clunker.
3. No more guesswork – Smart CPAPs track your CPAP use so you can see how your therapy is working.
*Not valid with insurance orders. Not valid with ResMed CPAPs.