Dear Easy Breathe:
I love my German Shepard, but I have a big problem. She keeps chewing on my CPAP tube and mask. Anytime that I leave it on the nightstand, you can pretty much guarantee that the mask and tube will become a chew toy by the time I get back from work. Any insight?
– Losing It in Lansing
Dear Losing It in Lansing:
You would be surprised by how often this happens. The truth of the matter is that dogs like to chew on things and CPAP masks and tubes are ideal for a dog’s palate: chewy, soft and easy to tear to shreds. Plus, they smell like you and your dog is attracted to that. I have a few words of advice. It’s easy to forget your mask on your bed so you may want to hang a hook next to your bed so you can just pop your mask onto the hook where your dog can’t reach it. But everyone forgets and puppies can be determined, so just know that Easy Breathe offers Two-Day and Overnight shipping, so you can get new CPAP supplies ASAP.
Dear Easy Breathe:
CPAP machines are expensive! I have an insurance policy, but how do I know if my policy covers my CPAP machine and supplies?
– Strapped in St. Louis
Dear Strapped in St. Louis:
Yes, CPAP machines and supplies can get pricey. Easy Breathe actually makes it really easy to find out if you are covered. All you have to do is fill out a quick form to find out the particulars of your policy. It is 100% free and there is no obligation to buy – we’ll typically get back to you in one business day. Not only that, but we can also help you get a prescription. Don’t worry…we’ve got you covered.
Dear Easy Breathe:
I have tried a lot of masks and the only one that suits my comfort level and my sleeping style is a nasal pillow mask. Now, however, I have an entirely different problem. I am dealing with some pretty serious chaffing, so when I wake up in the morning I have a visibly bright red nose. Is there anything I do about this?
– Chaffed in Chattanooga
Dear Chaffed in Chattanooga:
Yes, there is something you can do. Have you tried putting ointment on your nose to reduce the chaffing? Any non-petroleum ointment will work. Not only will these ointments help reduce the chaffing – they will also help with the pain, which can often be the worse part. You can also try changing your nasal pillows. It is recommended to change your nasal pillows every month or so – if you haven’t, that might be the culprit. Hope that helps!
Dear Easy Breathe:
I have Medicare and I desperately need to update some of my CPAP supplies. My obstructive sleep apnea is pretty bad and I am afraid that my Medicare won’t cover me. Will Medicare cover CPAP supplies?
– Concerned in Charleston
Dear Concerned in Charleston:
We understand your concern. As for your question, the short answer is yes, but only a limited number of companies can accept Medicare. Plus, it can be really difficult to find these companies and it can take a really long time to get your supplies. If you need new supplies, you can easily purchase things like CPAP masks and headgear on Easy Breathe’s intuitive and easy to use site – without a prescription. So if you need something in a hurry or don’t have a prescription, we offer low prices and fast shipping times. We are also happy to offer Medicare patients a discount on their first order. Call 866-564-2252 or email [email protected] for more information.
Dear Easy Breathe:
How do I put this nicely? – My brother sounds like a combination of a climbing rolling coaster and a wood chipper taking down some really knotty pine when he snores. Plus, he is always complaining about how tired he is. How do I convince him to get tested for sleep apnea?
– Worried Brother in Atherton, California
Dear Worried Brother in Atherton:
I like your description of your brother’s snoring – it definitely sounds like he has some disordered breathing going on. It can be scary to hear and I totally understand your concern. Sleep apnea can have deadly consequences if left untreated. I know you don’t want to scare your brother too badly, but he needs to know there are countless studies that show the deleterious affects of sleep apnea, like increased vehicular collisions and higher chances of Alzheimer’s and dementia. You can also tell him how CPAP can change his life for the better. Lastly, you want to make sure your brother knows how easy it is to get treated. With the Easy Sleep Apnea Test package, he can get tested in the comfort of his own home. Trust me, there is nothing like scaring the bejesus out of him and then telling him how easy it is to get tested.
Dear Easy Breathe:
Apparently I am a fitful sleeper. It’s no wonder that my partner always wants to sleep on the couch. Besides that, I accidently pull my CPAP hose so hard that the whole machine goes crashing to the ground, so when I wake up I’ve only gotten a few hours of therapy and I feel awful. Is there a way to keep things more secure while I sleep and how do I get my partner back in bed?
– Fitful in Farmington
Dear Fitful in Farmington:
As for your second question, I’m not really authorized to offer romantic advice, but it seems you may need a longer CPAP hose. When it comes to your CPAP machine, a long tube will allow you to move around much more freely. For instance the CPAP Tubing by Sunset Healcare Solutions will give you a whole ten feet to flail around without causing your CPAP to crash to the floor. You may also want to invest in a tube stand, which is installed between your bed and the headboard, so that it prevents tube tangling. When it comes down to it, it is all about not letting that tube become tangled. Hope everything works out and that order is restored to the bedroom soon!
Dear Easy Breathe:
What is growing on my CPAP? Not only is there strange gunk brewing – there is also a peculiar smell. Don’t worry, I won’t get into details, but what is the best way to clean this thing?
– Dirty in Duluth
Dear Dirty In Duluth:
It is really important that you make cleanliness a top priority. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense: the supplies are often around your mouth and pressed up against your oily skin. For daily cleaning, I recommend Citrus Cleaning Wipes, because not only will it remove gunk, it will also make your supplies smell fresh too. I also recommend a long Tube Brush for cleaning out your tubing. And for a deep clean, I highly recommend investing in a SoClean 2 machine, which will thoroughly sanitize your CPAP supplies. In fact, it will remove 99.9% of bacteria, germs and mold without using water. How is this possible? Well, this magnificent machine uses the power of oxygen to clean your supplies – it’s the same technology that hospitals use to clean medical equipment, so you know that your mask, hose and other accessories will be clean as a whistle. Some parting advice: be sure to take daily measures to clean your CPAP – this is the best way to avoid the gunk and the strange smells.