Dear Easy Breathe – Best of Dear Easy Breathe


Dear Easy Breathe

As an online CPAP provider, we receive numerous questions regarding Sleep Apnea Therapy and CPAP/Bi-PAP use. Here in our Dear Easy Breathe posts, we answer those questions and share the most common questions with all of our readers. Now, onto the Best of Dear Easy Breathe.

Bearded Man

Dear Easy Breathe:

I have a huge bushy beard, like a lumberjack/Father Time beard that may have corn flakes stuck inside it from when Reagan was president, and I have been having a lot of trouble finding a CPAP mask that will fit comfortably. Can you suggest anything?

–   Bushy in Buffalo

Dear Bushy in Buffalo:

You must be very proud of your beard and don’t want to shave it. That’s okay – you don’t have to. But what I would recommend is that you get your hands on a nasal pillow mask. These masks have minimal headgear and they won’t cover your face. Nasal pillow masks fit comfortably in your nostrils using a padded seal. If your beard is as big as you say it is, you may want to go for the Swift FX Mask System – the headgear will hover right above your beard line.

pocketDear Easy Breathe:

CPAP machines are expensive! I have an insurance policy, but how do I know if my policy covers my CPAP machine and supplies?

– Strapped in St. Louis

Dear Strapped in St. Louis:

Yes, CPAP machines and supplies can get pricey. Easy Breathe actually makes it really easy to find out if you are covered. All you have to do is fill out a  to find out the particulars of your policy. It is 100% free and there is no obligation to buy – we’ll typically get back to you in one business day. Not only that, but we can also help you get a prescription. Don’t worry…we’ve got you covered.

Mask-Finder-Glass-N10-Square-11-19-15Dear Easy Breathe,

Shopping for CPAP masks feels like going to a restaurant with a million things on the menu. I’m pulling out my hair over here. Does this make sense? What is the best way to find the right mask? I don’t want to waste my money by going with the wrong one.

– Overwhelmed in Oklahoma

Dear Overwhelmed in Oklahoma:

We get this question a lot from new and veteran sleep apnea patients alike. Either they haven’t been able to find the right mask or don’t know where to look. In the past, this advice would be ten pages long, but these days, it is much easier to shop for a CPAP mask, especially with Easy Breathe’s super simple Mask Finder. All you have to do is put in your specific criteria and then a specialized algorithm will choose the right mask for you. It’s super simple and easy. This is the best way to start your search for the CPAP mask of your dreams.

Packed-Suitcase-Dear-EB-III-11-19-15Dear Easy Breathe,

My family is going away for the holidays – skiing, white Christmas,  etc. While I’m not looking forward to seeing the in-laws – what I fear more is that moving around so much will get in the way of my CPAP treatment. When I’m on a plane, how do I undergo therapy? Also, my CPAP is enormous – do I really have to lug this thing around?

– Scrooged in South Carolina

Dear Scrooged in South Carolina:

For one thing, you should know that you will feel even more like Ebenezer Scrooge if you don’t undergo CPAP treatment. Luckily, there are a few different ways to travel and still undergo the recommended regimen of CPAP therapy. For one thing, you may want to purchase a travel CPAP. For instance, the Z1 Auto Travel CPAP Machine is only ten ounces, which means that you can easily fit it into your carry on luggage. If you are traveling internationally, you may want to stock up on converters. Lastly, if you know that you won’t have access to outlets, check out CPAP batteries. Cheer up Scrooge. The Easy Breathe Ghost of Christmas CPAP is here to help.


CPAPRx is EasyDear Easy Breathe:

I have sleep apnea and it sucks a lot, but CPAP has literally changed my life. But right now I am having a bit of a panic attack because my machine broke and I just moved to a new state. I don’t have a doctor yet so I can’t get a CPAP prescription. What should I do!?

– Breathless in Seattle

Dear Breathless in Seattle:

You are actually in luck, because Easy Breathe can provide you with a prescription for CPAP, no problem. All you have to do is sign up for a CPAP Prescription Package and you can get your hands on a new prescription is as little as two business days. All you have to do is sign up for the prescription package and fill out a questionnaire – we’ll have a licensed physician look at the answers and write you a prescription. You can use that prescription to get exactly what you need. Easy Breathe aims to make getting the treatment you need as easy and as convenient as possible.

*These questions are based on real customer questions but were modified for this blog post.

Do you have any questions for our CPAP expert? Email [email protected] with the subject “Dear Easy Breathe” and we will answer your question and may feature it in our next article.
