If you are reading this right now and it’s football season, there is a high probability that you are not wearing a shirt and have one of the letter’s of your college football team written on your body. What is it about football season that that destroys all semblance of civility? – Who the hell cares, the only thing that matters is the game and you’ll put your pants on when you are good and ready. If you are a true super-fan, there is a good chance that your entire home is decked out with flags, mugs, and other merch to show your pride, but what about your CPAP machine? – Here are some ways to show your college football pride with your CPAP machine.
University of Texas Longhorns
Hook ’em horns! If you are a true Longhorns fan, there is a good chance you have the longhorn logo on everything and you’re damn proud of it. It’s been a touch and go season so far, but you will be there for your beloved team no matter what happens. Yet, if you really want to be there for your team – besides singing “The Eyes of Texas” over and over and over again – you can show your pride with the Univeristy of Texas Longhorn SkinIt Protector for the S9 AutoSet CPAP system. Yes, everything in Texas is bigger – even your college football pride.
University of Florida Gators
True fans know that their beloved Gators have had a long and storied history – with eight SEC championships and three quarterbacks that have gone off to win the Heisman trophy – along with numerous other accolades. Sure, Florida has a reputation for strange things happening, like people calling the cops when neighbors won’t share beer – or that time a guy tried to trade his alligator for beer – but all this weirdness is what makes the Sunshine State so much more fun and interesting. Plus, this love of beer and alligators is also the reason why Gator pride is so potent. But if you really want to show off your Gator pride, you’ll slap the Univeristy of Florida Gator SkinIt Protector on your CPAP. Now let’s see you do the Gator Chomp!
University of Georgia Bulldogs
Besides the fact that the University of Georgia Bulldogs has one of the cutest, ahem, badass mascots (yes, I’m talking about Uga – not Hairy Dawg), the ‘Dogs are also one of the best teams in the league. Taking the spirit of the bulldog, the ol’ Silver Britches have been known for their ferociousness on the field. This is probably the reason why the team garners such avid fans. Yet, you can’t be a true fan unless you are decked out in Bulldogs gear – with that big bold ‘G.’ This is exactly why you need the University of Georgia Bulldogs skin for your CPAP – to show your pride even when you are fighting off sleep apnea.
When it comes down to it, your CPAP is the best way to show your college football pride, because any true fans knows that you have to show your pride morning, noon and night. These CPAP skins are designed to be placed on the unique S9 AutoSet from ResMed, which is a revolutionary auto-titrating CPAP device that uses the AutoSet Algorithm to provide the ideal pressure exactly when you need it. Not only that, but it comes with the amazing Mask-Fit System and climate control technology for even more comfort and customization. In the end, it is important to know that dedicating yourself to CPAP treatment is the best way to fully enjoy football season, because that way you can fully dedicate yourself to the game.