Easy Breathe, the fastest growing online sleep apnea shopping destination, today announced that it now offers the revolutionary AirSense CPAPs by ResMed. AirSense CPAPs are the first sleep apnea therapy devices with internal cellular modems. This break-through innovation makes it simple and easy to track and share real-time data on each user’s quality of sleep and the overall effectiveness of their CPAP therapy. In addition, the internal modem allows the CPAP to be adjusted remotely in order to ensure optimal therapy for each CPAP user. Simply put, these “smart” CPAPs allow users to take control of their treatment and set a new standard for comfort, ease of use, and data sharing.
For years, CPAP users and their healthcare providers have recognized the benefits of using CPAP therapy data to make appropriate adjustments to the CPAP. Every CPAP user is unique – what’s ideal for one CPAP user is often not ideal for the next. Even for an individual CPAP user, optimal settings can change over time as they age or gain or lose weight, and can even change within a single night depending on the CPAP user’s sleeping position. Until now, the process for sharing data and making adjustments to CPAPs was time-consuming. CPAP users either had to make special trips to their healthcare provider, or would have to remove a data card and mail it to their healthcare provider and wait for it to be mailed back.
Now, the AirSense CPAPs accomplish the same results wirelessly without the need for travel or the hassle and delay of mailing data cards. The data can be shared in real-time and the machine can be adjusted remotely with a simple phone call to (866) 564-2252. The data capabilities of the AirSense CPAPs make is easy for CPAP users to measure the impact of different masks, pressure settings or any other variables. This data empowers CPAP users to find the right settings, mask, and fit to improve their overall quality of sleep.
“In this day and age almost everything we use is ‘smart’ — smart TVs, smart phones, etc.” said Nick Weiss, CEO and founder of Easy Breathe. “We’re so excited that ResMed has brought the CPAP into the 21st century and made it ‘smart’. The AirSense CPAPs empower our customers to get a great night’s sleep and improve their overall quality of life.”
EasyBreathe.com is known for providing an exceptional shopping experience. EasyBreathe.com sells a complete line of equipment and supplies from such major manufacturers as ResMed and Philips Respironics and offers free insurance benefit reviews so that customers know exactly what they will have to pay upfront. In addition, Easy Breathe offers a unique CPAP prescription program to help CPAP users get a prescription for the replacement products they need.
About Easy Breathe, Inc.
Easy Breathe, Inc. is the leading online destination for sleep apnea products and information. Founded in 2011, Easy Breathe is simply the easiest solution for treating sleep apnea. Easy Breathe is committed to promoting awareness of sleep apnea and the beneficial results of CPAP treatment. Easy Breathe eliminates the struggles associated with getting sleep apnea therapy products and will not let anything stand in the way of treating this disorder. For additional information about Easy Breathe, go to www.easybreathe.com.
SOURCE: PR Newswire