For a limited time only our most popular CPAP cleaning solution is on sale. You can use the coupon code CLEAN15 for 15% off the regular price of $299. That is almost $45 in savings. The SoClean 2 is a quick and easy daily CPAP sanitizer. It uses activated oxygen (ozone or O3) to kill 99% of the mold, bacteria and viruses present on your CPAP equipment. No harsh chemicals, liquids or water. Cleaning your CPAP used to be a pain. You had to take everything apart, wash it and wait for it to dry. Not anymore. Hook up the SoClean 2, then just drop your mask into the reservoir every morning and by bedtime your CPAP mask is germ free.
CPAP Users Can’t Live Without It
It’s easy for us to hype the SoClean 2, but what do other people have to say about it?
“Adding the SoClean 2 to my Respironics humidified CPAP system has literally increased my overall quality of life. Prior to getting it, my CPAP would slam every bug that came through our household hard core into my lungs, resulting in countless rounds with Pneumonia and Bronchitis. I have not had either since adding my cleaning machine. It definitely freaks out the dogs, midmorning, when it does its thing, but I would not give it up for anything. I am WAY more healthy.” – Tad H.
“I have had to use CPAP machines for the last 30 years and what a pain it has been to always try to make time to clean it. Since getting the SO CLEAN machine a couple of months ago it is something I’ve really enjoyed. I followed the instructions on how to prepare my equipment for the sanitizer and now I just let the SO CLEAN unit do its thing and no more worries about it being clean.” – Donald H.
Protect your health and get peace of mind with the SoClean 2. And hurry!