Replacing your CPAP supplies regularly is an important part of your therapy. It is necessary both for hygiene and for ensuring everything works efficiently so that you have the best possible CPAP experience. With this in mind, why not take every necessary step to ensure you have a safe and comfortable night’s sleep? Below we’re going to take a look at the recommended replacement schedule for CPAP products as well as some simple steps that will ensure your CPAP machine is working at an optimal level.
While a replacement timeline should be discussed with your doctor, insurance company and CPAP manufacturer, we can provide you with the recommended replacement schedule used by insurance companies for reference. If you are using insurance to finance your supplies, it is extremely important that you adhere to your provider’s schedule or your products may not be covered.
Five Year Replacements 

The CPAP machine and humidifier units have the longest lifespan of all your supplies. They should be replaced once every 5 years, depending on wear and tear. If you take good care of your CPAP machine, you are definitely going to get your money’s worth in usage.
Six Month Replacements

Some supplies need to be replaced once every 6 months, including headgear and chin straps, water chambers and non-disposable filters. Over time, your headgear and chin straps may lose elasticity, leading to air leaks or discomfort. As for the water chamber, be sure to keep an eye out for discoloration, calcification, or cracks. The humidifier chamber itself is warm and damp which can be a breeding place for bacteria and may mean you should seek a replacement sooner. In fact, it is also highly recommended to soak humidifier chambers in a solution of 1 part white vinegar and 3 parts water for approximately 15-20 minutes once a week before rinsing thoroughly with distilled water.
Three Month or Less Replacements

A number of essential supplies need to be replaced every 3 months or sooner. Please note that a few of these items may be purchased at 3-month intervals but will need to be replaced more frequently.
Standard and heated tubing need to replaced at least once every 3 months. Masks without headgear should also be replaced every 3 months. Cushions for full face masks need to be replaced every month. The cushions and pillows for nasal and nasal pillow masks need replacement every two weeks so that they remain efficient and germ-free. Disposable filters also need replacement every two weeks. While nasal cushions, nasal pillows, and disposable filters need to be replaced every two weeks, most typically purchase 6 of each every three months.
Routine Maintenance
There are some steps you can take to make sure your supplies last for the recommended time frames and work at their optimal level. It is very important to enter into a routine of cleaning your supplies regularly, which includes sanitizing your mask and tube daily. This routine will be an important factor in the lifespan of many of your supplies. Consider using an ozone cleaner such as the SoClean or the Sleep8 to get the job done thoroughly and efficiently. You should also regularly inspect your equipment to make sure that there are no tears or holes so that you can ensure no air leakage occurs during use.
As you can see, the replacement schedule for your CPAP machine and supplies is fairly easy to follow. Keep in mind that the replacement schedule we provide is based on a standard insurance replacement schedule and should be used for reference – it’s still important to follow your provider’s replacement schedule.