The beauty of CPAP masks is that they are interchangeable. Many people believe that they have to purchase a specific mask for a specific type of CPAP, but thankfully this just isn’t the case. When you are in the mood to throw out the old and try something new, Easy Breathe has an amazing selection of full face masks, nasal masks and nasal pillow masks. This makes it, well, really easy to find the right mask; the mask that feels the most comfortable and the mask that offers the best treatment to battle your sleep apnea symptoms. Need help choosing a mask? Try our mask quiz.
Change Masks When You Need To
Because CPAP masks are interchangeable, you can try a number of different masks until you find the right one. While CPAP masks are interchangeable, you may not be, which means you will need to find the right mask for you. For instance, you may use a full face mask during your first few months of treatment and decide that you want to switch to a nasal pillow mask. You don’t need to change your CPAP machine to make this switch.
‘Tis What Season?
You may even want to have multiple types of masks on hand. In case your nose is stuffed up, keep a full face handy. Or have a nasal pillow ready for the summer, if you find a full face mask unbearable in the heat.
Don’t Get Stuck With a Mask You Hate
Another beautiful thing about interchangeable masks is that you won’t be stuck with a mask you hate. Like many things in life, you just have no control when it comes to: who your family members are, the weather, your in-laws, your football team’s performance . However, with CPAP masks, you do have control. If you wake up one morning and decide you’ve had enough, you could visit Easy Breathe and grab a brand new mask system.
Insurance Will Cover a New Mask Every Three Months
It is also important to note that your insurance company will pay for a new mask every three months. CPAP masks are medical devices, so after about the three month mark, you are going to want to pick up a fresh new mask. Check out the replacement schedule here. You can also have a special insurance policy specialist contact you if you have any questions. Again, once you do get a new mask, you won’t need to worry about what kind of machine you have. All CPAP masks work with all machines.